Health Benefits of Cooking with Beer

Not only is drinking beer great fun and enjoyable, it is also healthy to cook with beer.

Are you tempted to give cooking with beer a try? You won’t be sorry. It brings and enhances so many flavours in your food through roasting, marinading, boiling, steaming, and baking. Here is a list of drinks delivery services where you can read tips. You may have come across Beer52 and wondered if they’re a legitimate company. Read Beer52 complaints and compliments to decide from real-world customers’ feedback.

Drinking a bottle of beer will add 150 calories to your body, and most beers are fat-free and super low in cholesterol. In fact, a beer contributes less than 1 percent of our recommended daily allowance of sodium. They also contain several vitamins and minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium – which are all much-needed by our bodies. Vitamins such as B vitamins niacin, B6, folate, and B12 are readily found in beers.

Of course, imbibing too many beers will result in a beer belly that is down mostly to the alcohol. When you cook with beer, most of the alcohol actually evaporates with the high temperature. About 85 percent of the alcohol in a bottle of beer will dissipate when you cook with it, and even more can be removed through longer cooking times and higher temperatures used. Reducing the alcohol content lowers the calorific load by up to 95 percent.

The upside to cooking with beer and burning off the alcohol level is that most of the minerals and vitamins remain with the food.

While not only imbuing your meals with more flavour,beer’s nutrients can boost your bone health. The dietary silicon in beer is important for the growth and development of bone and connective tissues.

What’s more, hops, yeast, and grains in beer contain carbohydrates. While carbohydrates aren’t all equal, the small amounts of them found in beer add calorific value to your meals and help to make you feel fuller quicker.

Cooking with beer will help youlower your risk of heart disease by lowering your blood pressure and increasing the “good” cholesterol” while reducing the “bad” cholesterol.

As always, everything in moderation. Using beer with cooking is healthier, but it doesn’t mean you should do so for every meal of every day. Too much beer in your food will lead to an increase in other illnesses. However, because beer contains antioxidants, it can help your body fight off some types of cancer and heart conditions. Beer, in this way, is actually healthier than wine because it offers so many more antioxidants and nutrients than wine. This is because they mostly make beer from barley and hops, while they make wine from grapes.

Another important health benefit of cooking with beer is that the beer’s nutrients help your kidneys function. It lowers the risk of kidney stones and supports the healthy function of passing more water through your kidneys than cooking with other types of alcoholic drinks.