Rice is an important food staple and is grown worldwide in a very generous amount. There is a vast range of the types of rice available in the market, for example, Jasmine, Basmati and Indica. Proteins and starch are also extracted from the rice to be used in baby foods, dairy product etc. In this modern era, where the risk of diseases has increased leaving people worrying about their health, they are moving towards healthier options like rice starch.
What is rice starch?
Basically, the production of naturally polymeric -carbohydrate from rice results in a product called rice starch. It comprises both amylose and amylopectin. It is gaining popularity every day because of its health benefits.
Why choose rice starch?
- From all the starches available to cook rice starch has the smallest granules.
- Only a minority of people are allergic to it.
- It is completely organic.
- Rice starch is available in powder form. Therefore it is convenient to use.
- Starch sugar is now replacing cane sugar since it is less harmful to the consumer.
What are the benefits of using rice starch in your diet?
Since people have become health conscious these days a lot, they look into the pros and cons of the products they are buying for themselves. There are a lot of benefits of rice starch including:
- It has a natural authentic taste.
- It is white in color.
- When heated with water it forms a gel with a smooth and creamy texture.
- It can possibly become a fat replacer.
- It is gluten and allergen free.
- And it is also easy to digest for the consumers.
- It can be used as a sugar replacement for people who are health conscious or those who have diabetes.
Where is rice starch used?
Rice starch can be used in a variety of places. For example:
- It could be used baby food and in organic meals for the infant.
- In ready to eat meals it is also present.
- Soups and sauces also contain rice starch in some quantity.
- Cereals are also starch-bearing
- Confectionary coatings.
- Also in organic food products.
- As for sweeteners in custards and pudding etc.
The only negative point about rice starch is that it is a bit expensive if compared to other starches. Other than that it is just perfect.
So why should one choose rice starch or what are its benefits type questions have been clearly answered. The world is changing continuously, and so have been the food department. It is high time we leave the cane sugar alone since it is leading to many harmful diseases. And start using starch as a replacement since it is gluten and allergen free, it can be easily digested by anyone and everyone from infants to old people. Go out people, buy it and tell your loved ones to buy it too and save them from visits to hospital and medications. You will surely be satisfied.