Besides Boosting Mood, Eating Ice Cream Can Help Eliminate Stress

Ice cream is a sweet snack that is liked by many individuals. Of course, every country has ice cream with a unique taste and unique shape, it is even a culinary must-try when visiting that country.
However, many of us certainly don’t know what benefits we get after consuming ice cream, right? And where can I get spumoni ice cream?
After undergoing a number of tests, it is claimed that ice cream increases alpha waves in the brain. This condition has been associated with reduced stress levels and increased alertness.
However, there has not been any specific chemical content in ice cream that triggers an increase in this condition.
Improve Mood
But ice cream can be one of those simple things that can boost your mood for the better. That’s because ice cream is included in the category of snacks or sweet snacks.
Apart from that research, now ice cream is part of the lifestyle. Usually ice cream is a topping for many menus. Starting from drinks to food.
Generally, the ice cream variant that most women like is the strawberry flavor. Besides having an attractive color, strawberry ice cream gives a different taste sensation, slightly sour, not too sweet, but feels soft on the tongue.
Ingredients Strawberries
From this variant, it turns out that the facts about strawberries are revealed. The fruit, which when ripe is red, is widely distributed in various countries, including Indonesia, which is known to be rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, ellagic acid, vitamin A, and vitamin E.
Strawberries are low in sugar, so they can fight arthritis. The iron and potassium content of strawberries are known to be very effective in suppressing or overcoming high blood pressure.
Another interesting benefit of strawberries is that they are able to ward off free radicals that cause acne, premature aging, and maintain brain health.… Read More..